West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium: Oct. 28-30, 2009
2009 FALL SYMPOSIUM: October 28-30, 2009
Elusive Hydrocarbons are Still to be Found in the Permian Basin
Please plan to attend the 21st West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium during the final week of October. The two and one-half days of technical sessions will feature oral and poster sessions presented by outstanding authors showcasing current research, field studies and other aspects of the Permian Basin and analogous areas. The symposium provides attendees with a chance to network with their peers in a technical setting that also provides opportunities for social interaction.
Keynote: Dr. Mike Gardner, “The Value of a Complete Picture: How Geologic Research from the Permian Basin Impacts Local and Global Deep-Water Resource Development”
Discovery Forum: Highlights of some Permian Basin fields and how they were found as recounted by some top explorers (Moderators: Mike Party and Steve Shaw)
A sampler of topics being presented:
- Sequence stratigraphy, mineralogy & rock properties in the Woodford Shale, Permian Basin
- Petrophysical applications ranging from old E-logs to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Gas Shale petrophysical evaluation methods including “The lost gas problem”
- Canyon Group carbonate-clastic transition, Eastern Shelf of Midland Basin
- Spraberry/Dean sedimentologic and diagenetic controls on reservoir quality
- Bone Spring synthesis, Delaware Basin
- Outcrop-based reservoir architecture of the mixed carbonate siliciclastic Grayburg Formation (Guadalupe Mtns.) including specific Reservoir Applications
- Yates Formation stratigraphy in northern Midland Basin
- Suite of talks on diverse “alternative energies” ranging from biofuels, to nuclear, to ultra-shallow gas, gas hydrates, and CBM
The Fall Symposium will be held at the Midland Center in downtown Midland, Texas, with technical sessions and poster sessions taking place on October 28-30, 2009. The symposium will begin at 8:30 am on Wednesday, October 28 with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m.
For more information, contact Executive Director Paula Mitchell at the WTGS office at (432) 683-1573, [wtgs@wtgs.org] or General Chairman David J. Entzminger [Entzminger@whiitng.com] (432) 686-6741. For information on technical sessions, contact Mark Sonnenfeld at [Sonnenfeld@whiting.com] (303) 390-4107 or Lyn Canter at [lyn.canter@whiting.com) (303) 357-1453. An Ethics Luncheon Presentation will take place on Thursday at the Midland Petroleum Club. The presentation will be given by Judge Lynn N. Hughes, United States District Judge, Houston, Texas. This presentation meets the Texas Registration requirement for Professional Development Hours for Geologists and Engineers.
The registration form can be found here:
The symposium speaker topics can be found here:
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