Monday, February 9, 2009

AEG Geology Scholarship Fundraiser (Dallas)

The Texas Association of Engineering Geologists is having a golf tournament in Dallas, Texas on April 3, 2009 to benefit the AEG Geology Scholarship fund which we created last year. The golf tournament is planned in conjunction with our Spring meeting at the Ellison Miles Geotechnical Institute. Our first fundraiser for the Scholarship fund was a personal tour of the Lucy exhibit, with Dr. Johanson in Houston last year.

We are looking for sponsors and players for our tournament and if you can think of anyone that may be interested, we would appreciate the help. I wasn't sure how to get this information to the BEG, and thought I would send it to you for your thoughts and/or distribution if possible. If your policies don't allow distribution, please disregard this request. Thanks.

Jerry McCalip, P.G.
McCalip & Company Inc.
3010 LBJ Fwy., Suite 1212
Dallas, Texas 75234
972-919-6186 (office)
972-919-6173 (fax)
(214) 354-2634 (cell)